write up ctf by ariafatah



Reception of Special has been cool to say the least.
That’s why we made an exclusive version of Special, called Secure Comprehensive Interface for Affecting Linux Empirically Rad, or just ‘Specialer’.
With Specialer, we really tried to remove the distractions from using a shell.
Yes, we took out spell checker because of everybody’s complaining.
But we think you will be excited about our new, reduced feature set for keeping you focused on what needs it the most.
Please start an instance to test your very own copy of Specialer.
Additional details will be available after launching your challenge instance.

launch istance

ssh -p 64911 ctf-player@saturn.picoctf.net.
The password is fd7746b4


  • What programs do you have access to?


ssh -p 64911 ctf-player@saturn.picoctf.net
# pass: fd7746b4

## jika di tab ternyata terdapat beberapa command hanya saja tidak semuanya bisa

echo $(< ala/kazam.txt)
# return 0 picoCTF{y0u_d0n7_4ppr3c1473_wh47_w3r3_d01ng_h3r3_38f5cc78}

