To get truly 1337, you must understand different data encodings, such as hexadecimal or binary.
Can you get the flag from this program to prove you are on the way to becoming 1337?
Connect with nc 29956.
- I hear python can convert things.
- It might help to have multiple windows open.
nc 29956
# Let us see how data is stored
# Please give the 01100011 01101111 01101100 01101111 01110010 01100001 01100100 01101111 as a word.
# you have 45 seconds.....
# Input:
# Please give me the 163 154 165 144 147 145 as a word.
# Input:
# Please give me the 6f76656e as a word.
# Input:
# You've beaten the challenge
# Flag: picoCTF{learning_about_converting_values_b375bb16}
# 1 binary to ascii
| python3 -c "teks = input().split(); [print(chr(int(i, 2))) for i in teks]" | tr -d "\n"
# 2 octal to ascii
| python3 -c "teks = input().split(); [print(chr(int(i, 8))) for i in teks]" | tr -d "\n"
# 3 hex to ascii
| python3 -c "teks = input(); print(bytes.fromhex(teks).decode('ascii'))"
python2 -c "print(''.decode('hex'))"
soal 1
echo "01100011 01101000 01100001 01101001 01110010" | tr " " "\n"
# 01100011
# ...
echo "a r i a" | python3 -c "print(input().split())"
# ['a', 'r', 'i', 'a']
echo "01100011 01101000 01100001 01101001 01110010" | python3 -c "print(input())"
# 01100011 01101000 01100001 01101001 01110010
echo "01100011 01101000 01100001 01101001 01110010" | python3 -c "print(input().split())"
# ['01100011', '01101000', '01100001', '01101001', '01110010']
echo "01100011 01101000 01100001 01101001 01110010" | python3 -c "teks = input().split(); print(teks)"
# ['01100011', '01101000', '01100001', '01101001', '01110010']
echo "01100011 01101000 01100001 01101001 01110010" | python3 -c "teks = input().split(); [print(i) for i in teks]"
# 01100011
# ...
echo "01100011 01101000 01100001 01101001 01110010" | python3 -c "teks = input().split(); [print(int(i, 2)) for i in teks]"
# 99
# 104
echo "01100011 01101000 01100001 01101001 01110010" | python3 -c "teks = input().split(); [print(chr(int(i, 2))) for i in teks]"
# c
# h
echo "01100011 01101000 01100001 01101001 01110010" | python3 -c "teks = input().split(); [print(chr(int(i, 2))) for i in teks]" | tr -d "\n"
# chair
soal 2
echo "141 156 151 155 141 164 151 157 156" | python3 -c "teks = input().split(); print(teks)"
# ['141', '156', '151', '155', '141', '164', '151', '157', '156']
echo "141 156 151 155 141 164 151 157 156" | python3 -c "teks = input().split(); [print(int(i, 8)) for i in teks]"
# 97
# 110
echo "141 156 151 155 141 164 151 157 156" | python3 -c "teks = input().split(); [print(chr(int(i, 8))) for i in teks]"
# a
# n
# ...
echo "141 156 151 155 141 164 151 157 156" | python3 -c "teks = input().split(); [print(chr(int(i, 8))) for i in teks]" | tr -d "\n"
# animation
soal 3
echo "6f76656e" | python3 -c "teks = input(); print(teks)"
# 6f76656e
echo "6f76656e" | python3 -c "teks = input(); print(bytes.fromhex(teks))"
# b'oven'
echo "6f76656e" | python3 -c "teks = input(); print(bytes.fromhex(teks).decode('ascii'))"
# oven