My file for learning about container
introduction • table of contents • file_list • Download • Related • License
🚀 introduction
this is my container file and learn container
📋 Table of Contents
📄 File List
docker\docker dasar
- 01 - pengenalan
- 02 - docker architecture
- 03 - install docker
- 04 - docker registry
- 05 - docker image
- 06 - docker container
- 07 - docker container log
- 08 - container exec
- 09 - container port
- 10 - container environment variable
- 11 - docker container stats
- 12 - docker container resource limit
- 13 - bind mounts
- 14 - docker volume
- 15 - contaiiner volume
- 16 - backup volume
- 17 - docker container run
- 18 - restore volume
- 19 - docker network
- 20 - container network
- 21 - inspect
- 22 - prune
- __readme__
docker\docker file
- 01 - pengenalan
- 02 - docker build
- 03 - docker file format
- 04 - from instruction
- 05 - run instruction
- 06 - display output
- 07 - command instruction
- 08 - label instruction
- 09 - add instuction
- 10 - copy instrucsion
- 11 - dockerignore file
- 12 - expose instruction
- 13 - environment variable
- 14 - volume instruction
- 15 - working directory instruction
- 16 - user instruction
- 17 - argument instruction
- 18 - health check
- 19 - entrypoint
- 20 - multi stage build
- 21- docker hub registry
- 22 - digital ocean container registery
- __readme__
docker\docker compose
- 01 - pengenalan
- 02 - yaml
- 03 - configuration file
- 04 - membuat container
- 05 - menjalankan container
- 06 - services port
- 07 - environment variable
- 08 - bind mount
- 09 - volume
- 10 - network
- 11 - depends on
- 12 - restart
- 13 - docker events
- 14 - resource limit
- 15 - docker file
- 16 - health check
- 17 - extends service
- __readme__
🔨 download
- Open a terminal or command prompt on your computer.
- Navigate to the directory where you want to save this project.
- Use the following command to download the project from the GitHub repository:
git clone